After careful consideration, you decide to adopt a cat.
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On the other hand, it is not easy to choose among all the existing races!
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Is your environment suitable? Some toms have to exercise outside, others prefer to curl up on your sofa. To help you make your decision, let’s take a look at the breeds that are best suited to you and your lifestyle.
After careful consideration, you decide to adopt a cat. On the other hand, it is not easy to choose among all the existing races! Is your environment suitable? Some toms have to exercise outside, others prefer to curl up on your sofa. To help you make your decision, let’s take a look at the Cat Breeds that are best suited to you and your lifestyle.
Indoor or outdoor cat: what are the differences?
Although cats generally like to be with their masters, some breeds must stay indoors for safety. The Sphynx, for example, is a cat that must avoid going out because its bare skin is very fragile. The Persian, the Devon Rex or the British Shorthair are calm and will appreciate living in an apartment. On the other hand, Chartreux, Norwegians or even active cats like the Bengal need to let off steam and be in contact with nature.
If you have an alley cat, be aware that its behavior can vary. He can be very affectionate, solitary or aggressive. It is his upbringing, his relationship to man and the time when he was separated from his mother that will forge his character.
If you are afraid that your cat will go outside, you can allow him safe little walks in an outdoor enclosure, on your balcony, or with the help of a suitable harness (a cat is not a dog! )
What breed of cat is right for me?
Unlike a house cat, a purebred cat has a pedigree, issued by the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) which is THE recognized Book of Origins. To find the “ideal” cat for you and your lifestyle, you have to ask yourself the right questions: do you have children or other animals? Do you have a garden or a balcony?
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It is obvious that if you live in an apartment without an exterior, a Maine Coon will feel cramped. On the other hand, a Munchkin will be completely at ease!
If this is your first cat, you can turn to a Siamese or a Ragdoll, these types of cats are known to be easy-going and have excellent adaptability.
A cuddly cat? A “talkative” cat? The known specificities of certain breeds
Even if the characters can vary from one cat to another, it is necessary to know the specificities of the breed of the feline that you have chosen. Don’t hesitate to take your time and learn about the breed that appeals to you. To help you, you can take advice from breed clubs or breeders, even passionate amateurs or other owners if you know of them.
If you are looking for a calm and discreet cat, go for a majestic Persian or a Sacred Birman with its big eyes and semi-long hair. If, on the other hand, you would like to have a little player at home, go for a European cat, a Turkish Angora or a Bengal, with its pretty dress reminiscent of that of the cheetah.
In the category of “talkative” cats we find the Siamese, known for its mischievous side and its good humor, the Chartreux, a very intelligent apartment cat or the Oriental, extremely affectionate. For endless purrs and cuddles, adopt a Ragdoll with an imposing size and long hair. He is considered the sweetest of cats.
If you enjoy the company of dogs, the Maine Coon will be perfect for you. Endowed with an incredible sociability, he will love everyone at home, ideal if you have a large family or other animals. On the other hand, with its imposing size, it will need to be able to walk around outside. Everyone is looking for their cat and… by giving themselves the means to do so, they end up finding the ideal companion for many years of shared happiness!
How does feline memory work?
Just like in other animals and humans, feline memory resides in one of the brain’s lobs. A cat’s brain takes up less than 1% of its body mass, but when it comes to its memory and intelligence, it’s the number of neurons that will make the difference.
Basically, a cat has 300 million neurons . You don’t know what this means? Just so you can get an idea, dogs have only 160 million of them, which makes cats’ biological memory capacity much greater.
Studies have reported that cats’ short-term memory is around 4 p.m., allowing them to remember things that have happened recently. However, for these events to pass into long-term memory, they must be of vital importance to the cat, so that it is able to sort and keep this information as useful for the future. The exact mechanism by which this sorting takes place remains unknown to this day.
The memory of these homebody felines, in addition to being selective, is also episodic . That is to say, they are able to remember where things are, certain people, routine, positive and negative events etc. because they have experienced them and according to the intensity of the sensations experienced during these experiences, they retain or not the memory in their cerebral cortex.
Just as for humans, several studies have succeeded in demonstrating that in a large number of felines, the cognitive capacity (memories) deteriorate and are lost once they reach the stage of old age, this syndrome is called “Cognitive dysfunction”. feline”. It affects cats 12 years and older. Fortunately, not all cats suffer from it.
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