Having your own website is far from a necessity in marketing your services, but can be a handy way of giving people access to your credentials, and is particularly likely to impress clients if you expect to do a lot of work for companies in the technology sector. Building a website is a big enough subject to warrant its own book; and, happily, there are plenty of good reference books out there. Essentially, you will need to go through the following steps:
◆ Find somewhere that will house (or ‘host’) your site. If you use an internet services provider (ISP) to surf the net then you will probably find they provide a certain amount of space for personal websites. However, there may be restrictions on the website addresses you can use.
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For a more professional approach, you will probably want to have a domain name of your own choosing, which you can buy (provided it has not already been taken by someone else) from a domain name registration service such as NetNames (www.netnames.com). These will often be able to host your site, too, for a fee.
◆ Get your site buiUsing a website to promote yourself
Having your own website is far from a necessity in marketing your services, but can be a handy way of giving people access to your credentials, and is particularly likely to impress clients if you expect to do a lot of work for companies in the technology sector. Building a website is a big enough subject to warrant its own book; and, happily, there are plenty of good reference books out there. Essentially, you will need to go through the following steps:
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◆ Find somewhere that will house (or ‘host’) your site. If you use an internet services provider (ISP) to surf the net then you will probably find they provide a certain amount of space for personal websites. However, there may be restrictions on the website addresses you can use.
For a more professional approach, you will probably want to have a domain name of your own choosing, which you can buy (provided it has not already been taken by someone else) from a domain name registration service such as NetNames (www.netnames.com). These will often be able to host your site, too, for a fee.
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◆ Get your site built. If you fancy the challenge, you can teach yourself HTML (hypertext mark-up language, the code commonly used to put together simple websites) and build your own. HTML is not too complicated and you could pick up enough of a grasp of it to get going in just a few weeks; a good book for beginners is Teach Yourself HTML (IDC Books).
Nowadays, however, there is a number of web authoring software packages, such as Dreamweaver from Macromedia or Microsoft FrontPage, that make the process even easier. Be aware, however, the results can be somewhat formulaic. The other option is to get a friendly website designer to help you out, or pay for them to do the job.
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They may even be able to take care of domain name registration and hosting for you.
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lt. If you fancy the challenge, you can teach yourself HTML (hypertext mark-up language, the code commonly used to put together simple websites) and build your own. HTML is not too complicated and you could pick up enough of a grasp of it to get going in just a few weeks; a good book for beginners is Teach Yourself HTML (IDC Books).
Nowadays, however, there is a number of web authoring software packages, such as Dreamweaver from Macromedia or Microsoft FrontPage, that make the process even easier. Be aware, however, the results can be somewhat formulaic. The other option is to get a friendly website designer to help you out, or pay for them to do the job. They may even be able to take care of domain name registration and hosting for you.
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