Are you tired of managing your server at your own space? Do you need a reliable vps hosting and you are looking for a reliable online vps then you can rely on VPS MALAYSIA. We are here to give you relief which is loading pressures on your head. Let it handle hosting vps experts of Southeast Asia. We got your back covered. We are offering you outstanding services with top of the line hardwire and software’s in order to make it enjoyable for your usage. Some of the greatest expertise of our hosting services is given bellow:
Fully customized dedicated hosting:
We are providing you fully dedicated hosting services. Virtual Private Server is basically an Internet hosting operation where a physical server is dedicated for each business customer. As we know the customer obtains complete control over the particular machine. That’s how they are 100% capable of optimizing it in order to fulfill their unique requirements. It includes the performance and security of that virtual server. Our dedicated server hosting includes website servers, application servers, and last but not least game servers also.
The key differences between the two different hosting types are the types of server on which your website is stored. When you use a shared hosting it means your website lives alongside other clients servers. The neighboring users potentially usage the same server along side with you in shared hosting. But our dedicated hosting plan ensures that your website will always use a single server all to itself. So you can choose our dedicated servers with trust because it will provide you more reliability and stability than a normal shared hosting.
Faster solid state drivers:
We are providing the world’s best enhanced performance by using enterprise grade solid state drive compacted with highly reliable and efficient technology. We provide this type of solid state drive for the protection of your data and reliable dedicated hosting plan. The benefits of enterprise grade solid state drives are it makes boot times shorter for your virtual private server, helps to achieve the best immediate data transfer along with the unmetered bandwidth we are providing. Faster speeds mean the solid state drive can handle your data at the ultra-speeds which is highly important in today’s online business world. You will feel the difference when you are running some programs which access large amounts of data to operate such as an operating system for instinct.
Our superior data transfer speed can save your minutes of waiting. For faster load times we have chosen full size SATA solid state drive. The most difficult moment is the lag time when you’ll spend waiting for your website load in front of the viewers. The benefit of is using solid state drive is clear as water that it can save you a few seconds of loading time in every click when your clients are loading the page. In addition solid state drive allows your computers to run cooler.
Backup and recovery:
If there is in case any emergency we are promised to provide you the full support on backup and recovery. We provide easy and secure hosting where tries to provide you fully automated off server backup with fast recovery. When you need it you will get the list of all backup files from your very own VPS. From there you can select which one you can select to start the backup and you would like to restore on your site.
We will be highly honored if you choose our vps host service from the list of many. If you are facing any problem to enjoy our service please let us know about that. We will be always there for you.